Visual studio code git youtube
Visual studio code git youtube

visual studio code git youtube

The total number of changed files is also reflected on the Source Control icon’s badge. The Changes section of the panel lists all the files in the working directory that have been changed. This panel provides an interface to view the current changes in your working directory and to create new commits. The Source Control icon is highlighted in the screenshot below.Ĭlick on the icon to open the Source Control panel. It’s one of the panels that you can select in the Activity Bar, which is the vertical bar on the left side of the VS Code interface.Įach panel in the Activity Bar is represented by an icon.

visual studio code git youtube

The Source Control panel in VS Code allows you to use Git features. To make one of your local code repositories a Git repository, you can review the official documentation for “ Getting a Git Repository”. With the above software installed, you should have created or identified a Git repository that you would like to contribute to.

visual studio code git youtube

You can install Git by following the instructions on the “Installing Git” page of the official documentation. Visual Studio Code’s Git features depend on the Git command-line tools. You can install it by following the instructions on the official Visual Studio Code website. To follow this tutorial, you need Visual Studio Code installed on your computer.

visual studio code git youtube

In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to use the Git features within VS Code to commit code to a Git repository. If you’re already using VS Code to edit code, it’s convenient to use the same tool to commit your changes with Git. In addition to being a capable tool for writing and editing source code, VS Code can help you interact with Git repositories and commit changes. Visual Studio Code is an open source IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with support for many programming languages. Committing code with Git is useful whether you’re working on your own projects, collaborating with others, or contributing to an open source project.

Visual studio code git youtube